Descubre tu propósito.

Que te inspira?

Que te hace llenarte de deseo y energía?

Encuéntralo, y deja que te lleve al éxito.✨


Discover your purpose.

What inspires you?

what fills you up with desire and energy?

Find it, and let it drive you to success.✨



Hello Dear WordPress Followers,

I’d to take this moment to thank you all for reading my work, for being fans of what I write and believe in since I created my blog.

I’d also like to address that I’m working on writing more this year, expanding my words to touch more lives, and to share that I have some new and fun exciting project ideas on the way!

I’ve decided to create a “Professional Instagram” page, were I’d like to expose my poetry, quotes, short stories, advise through my knowledge, and display my soon to come videos or audio recordings!

I hope you all will follow and join me in this exciting journey!

Instagram: Kbeautifulmind__ (those are two _ _ )

Thanks y’all! I’m excited!




This new year, place yourself where you can grow and learn.

Place yourself where you feel safe.

Place yourself where you feel comfortable.

Place yourself with people that make it feel like home.

Place yourself where you can help, but don’t let it drain you.

Place yourself where you feel loved, but don’t let it change you.

Place yourself where you can listen, but don’t let it overwhelmed you.

Place yourself where you belong, but don’t let anyone take advantage of you.

This new year place yourself where you can grow and learn; not anywhere where you’re devalued.




If I go while you’re still here…
Please know that I live on,
Do not stand by my grave and weep,
Please do not wish it was you instead of me.
You will not see me, but you must have faith.
Celebrate my life, smile for I am in a better place.
I’ve now joined all those who went before me,
Please remember that and find peace.
Laugh with each other as you remember all the good times,
for there were so many good and bad moments we were blessed to live together.
Send me away with lots of love,
I want you all to be happy,
Please remember that we will someday reunite.
And when you need me until then,
Please just whisper my name in your heart,
… I will be there…
Until we meet again.


This poem was written for my “Fake” Funeral program I had to make for a class project. However I love it and had to share so that my family can have it incase someday I really go.